The Environmental
Policy is, in my opinion, a set of noble statement. A reflection of
certain intention or conscience with regards to a level of environmental commitment
that an entity wishes to translate into good deeds. Ironically, some who are
driven into it due to the market-niche for ISO14001 Certification are often left with more words than deed. Still, the policy serves
as a reminder of their environmental endeavour and that it is relentless. A
reminder that is usually self-triggered amidst re-certification or
surveillance by their respective certification bodies. Clause 4.2 of
the international standard globalized its requirement and criteria. Delightfully,
I’d like to share for the benefit of all who are ‘committed’ in EMS with some
selected policy statements sampled over decades of my ‘indulgence’ in
the area. They are also found in my training handout notes titled ISO14001
Interpretation in Practice.
Sample statement that demonstrates
Environmental law and regulations compliance;
“… is
committed to complying with all applicable environmental laws and regulations
and emphasizes the necessity of international harmonization of environmental
line managers, in relation to activities directly under their control, are
responsible for identifying and ensuring compliance with environmental
regulations affecting our environment.”
“Meet or
exceed all applicable government requirements. Where non-exist, set and
adhere to stringent standards of our own and continually improve these
standards in light of technological advances and new environmental data.”
in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and professional codes of
practices or in group standards, whichever are higher.”
rules and regulations aimed at protecting the environment”
Sample statement
that demonstrates Continuous improvement;
and report on the group’s environmental performance in accordance with ISO14031
and corporate TQM as appropriate and the ISO14001 environmental management
rigorous audits and self-assessments of compliance with this policy, measure
progress of environmental performance and report periodically to the board of
sound environmental management as an integral part of our total quality
commitment and apply the principles and practices of continuous improvement
assessments, audits and review of facilities and operation shall take place
to ensure compliance with this policy. A statement of environmental impact
that is tailored to specific requirement shall be prepared as part of
planning of facilities and operations, and for modifying and abandoning
Sample statement
that demonstrates Commitment and involvement;
committed in environmental care in all its operations. All parts of the
organization will incorporate this in their activities.”
management is responsible for environmental management. Each director shall
address environmental matters regularly, identify items requiring actions and
make sure they are being followed up.”
employee and every contractor on … premises is expected to follow the
company’s policy and to report any environmental, health or safety concerns.
Managers are expected to take prompt action.”
environmental responsibilities among our employees and encourage their
initiative and involvement.”
our products and services and their associated manufacturing and distribution
processes to be safe in their operation, minimize use of hazardous materials,
make efficient use of energy and other resources and enable recycling and
the environmental policies, programmes and performance standards are an
integral part of our planning and decision-making processes.”
Sample statement
that demonstrates Information, communication and co-operation;
“Be open
and responsive to the environmental expectations and concerns of our
employees, customers, government agencies and the public by providing clear
and candid information about the environmental impacts of our products,
services and operations.”
greater understanding and awareness of the services and products performed
and produced by the company/group through provisions of public information,
implementation of ‘open-door’ policy at all operating sites and the
establishment of, and participation in, local liaison committee.”
“Be an
environmentally friendly neighbour in the communities where we operate, and
act promptly and responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger
health, safety and the environment; report them to authorities promptly, and
inform anyone who may be effected by them.”
channels for employees and contractors to be consulted on environmental
co-operate with governments, regulatory bodies, academic institutions,
industries and consumer organizations and will take the initiative, where
necessary, to promote workable and improved codes of practice and effective
laws and regulations.”
Sample statement that demonstrates
Resources: materials, human, etc.;
strive to conduct its industrial and commercial activities in such a way that
the quality of environment now and the future is preserved, … supports the
Business Charter for Sustainable Development of the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), dated ….”
the collection and qualified recycling of products at the end of their useful
life by third parties. In this respect, … will provide the necessary
information concerning its products.”
“Use of
material and energy shall be reviewed regularly to reduce waste, optimize
recycling and select materials compatible with environmental objectives.”
respect for natural resources by practicing conservation and striving to
recycle materials, purchase recycled materials, and use of recyclable
packaging and other materials.”
the responsible use of energy throughout our businesses, including conserving
energy, improving energy efficiency, looking for safer energy resources and
giving preference to renewable over non-renewable energy resources when
Sample statement that demonstrates
Research and development – best available technology;
our products and services and their associated manufacturing and distribution
processes to be safe in their operation, minimize use of hazardous materials,
make efficient use of energy and other resources, and enabling recycling and
that all new group facilities are constructed to the highest practical
environmental standards by incorporating as appropriate, technological
developments and relevant environmental research into group practice.”
manufacture and market products that are safe for intended use, efficient in
their use of energy, protective of their environment and that can be recycled
and disposed-off safely.”
the assessment of total environmental impact when introducing new processes,
products and packaging.”
in the development of technological solutions to global environmental
problems, share appropriate pollution prevention technology and methods, and
participate in efforts to improve environmental protection and understanding
throughout the country.”
We will
expand our knowledge of processes and products through research and
development, to ensure that our solutions are appropriate for the environment
in the long term, giving increased benefits from our investments of time and
Ø Sample statement
that demonstrates Health and safety;
an safe and healthful workplace, including avoiding or connecting hazards and
ensuring that personnel are properly trained and have appropriate safety and
emergency equipment.”
development and manufacturing processes that do not adversely affect the
environment, including developing and improving operations and technologies
to minimize waste, prevent air, water and other pollution, minimize health
and safety risks, and dispose-off waste safely and responsibly.”
co-operate actively with the government, local authorities and other external
bodies, to provide an informed and constructive background to regulatory
processes, promote workable procedures and codes of practices, and promote
research to reduce environmental problems and work co-operatively during
and report all environmental incidents and near misses and take necessary
follow-up actions”
management and supervisors of potential hazards and to maintain a healthy
working environment for all our employees.”
Sample statement
that demonstrates Policy compliance;
and ensuring implementation of this policy.”
all employees to adopt this policy’s principles throughout the group and its
operations, particularly through quality assurance procedures and individual
training programme.”
our supplier support our environmental management policy and encourages them
to adapt similar principles.”
that environmental policies, programs and performance standards are an
integral part of our planning and decision making processes.”
We will
ensure that our management and workforce are fully aware of these principles
and trained so as to be able to perform their task in an environmentally
responsible way. Employee’s involvement in environmental work will be
actively encouraged.”
breaches shall be reported to regulatory bodies or internally as appropriate
and action taken to bring operation within compliance.”
Sample statement
that demonstrates Commercial and business;
strive to inform the customers in such a way that he will be able to take
respective environmental measures into consideration in his decision to buy,
provided that an assessment on the total environmental impact of these products
has been made.”
into account of environmental issues in our commercial decision making.”
that excellence in environmental performance is consistent with our corporate
objectives and essential to our continues business success.”
for the environment and the welfare of the future generations will be the
basis of our company policy and decision making.”
“We must
set environmental goals and integrate them into business planning al all
part of our whole life cycle approach to our process and products, it follows
that we will emphasize care for the environment in selecting our suppliers.”
Sample statement
that demonstrates Initiatives;
constructively to the shaping of public policy based on sound business and
scientific principles.”
“Use the
group experience and expertise to play an appropriate role in the development
of public policy.:
standard shall be set covering relevant discharges and disposals including
any that are not covered by statutory requirements.”
constructively with organizations concerned for the environment.”
Nonetheless, prior your stipulation of any
environmental policy statement please ensure the following;
Ø Significant Environmental Aspects have been
identified; (be discussing this in separate posts);
Ø Reflective of the nature and type of the
organization’s activity; (I found an electronic firm’s policy that sounded
like a Palm Oil Mill several years ago! LOL)
Ø Appropriate with existing resources i.e. not
being too ambitious and beyond reach;
Ø Identified their corresponding local legal
requirements and related international treaties;
Ø Preferably ‘KISS’ i.e. ‘keep it short and simple’.
And, the rest of the guidance is being provided
in the ISO14001 document which I’ve displayed as examples shown above.
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