
Friday 17 February 2012

S.H.E-MS In-depth Refresher Awareness

S.H.E-MS In-depth Refresher Awareness

Objective: This training is designed to instill appropriate awareness, understanding and sense of shared responsibility in sustaining ISO14001 and ISO18001 functionality. A special focus on interrelated issues on safety, health and environment at work places in the context of ISO14001’s Aspects’ and Impact, and, the ISO18001’s HIRAAC concerns are illustrated in substantial detail but made simple.
Who should attend? : All personnel whose responsibilities, functions or activities are related to the generation, utilization, release, control and management of their respective environmental aspects; from organizations that are already certified with ISO14001 EMS.
What to expect out of those who are trained?
By virtue of the shared experience from others that are presented in this training all participants shall be able to;
  • Identify, differentiate, comprehend and apprehend issues concerning environmental, safety and health in greater depth;
  • Execute work functions in manners that conjure to ISO14001 and ISO18001 systems intentions.

9.00am - 10.00am
·         The relationship between Safety – Health – Environment;
·         The SHE-MS: HIRAAC versus Aspects’ Impact: their ultimate ideology;
    • The OHSAS - ISO18001
    • The EMS – ISO14001
10.00am - 10.30am - morning tea-break
10.30am - 12.30am
·         The meaning of EMS ISO14001:2004;
·         Illustrating the interpretation of Environmental Aspect’ definition;
·    Overview of Life-Cycle-Assessment concept as a tool for interpreting the term Environmental Aspect; using examples of; cotton gloves, electrical energy, fuel and paper in an LCA chronology;
·         The ISO14001 requirements – what auditors should look for?
    • Are the Significant Aspects justified? – examples of input-output;
    • Review a sample of Aspects’ Impact Evaluation Format.
12.30am - 2.00pm - lunch-break
2.00pm - 3.00pm
·         SHE-MS; review of applicable main laws;
    • The EQA 1974 – Section 22; Air Pollution; and its liability;
    • The EQA 1974 – Section 25; Water Pollution; and its liability;
    • The EQA 1974 – Section 34B; Scheduled Wastes (SW); and its liability; and overview of SW Mgt in Malaysia;
    • FMA 1967 – summary of requirements;
    • OSHA 1994 – summary of main regulations; and its legal liability
·         An important International requirements that influences SHE-MS;
·         RoHS and REACH
·         Example of a banned chemical substances, example; Lead and its compounds;
    • chemical name,
    • CAS Number,
    • Chemical Formula and
    • Application (where and how it is found)
03.00pm - 03.30pm - afternoon tea-break
03.30pm - 05.30pm
·         SHE-MS; Common Issues Found in SHE-MS Audits; An interactive session of questions and answers; focusing on our roles and responsibilities in ISO14001 and ISO18001; pictorial illustration of selected cases; via specifically discussing Aspects and Impact, and, HIRAAC’s Potential Hazard and Potential Risk;
    • storing the liquid chemicals;
    • retention pond;
    • working at heights;
    • storage of oil products;
    • open-air spray painting;
    • confined-area painting;
    • bar-bending machine;
    • open-air garnet blasting;
    • oil-rig structure blasting;
    • paint waste storage;
    • water pipes installation;
    • the Gen-Set;
    • the workshop store;
    • compressor oil leakage incident;
    • cleaning engineering tools using solvent;
    • construction on slopes;
    • off-site solvent recovery;
    • the incinerator;
    • the secured landfill
  • The on-going target of SHE-MS, example, Waste Minimization;
Course Evaluation & Ends

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