
Thursday 16 February 2012

Hazardous Waste Minimization Technique

Hazardous Waste Minimization Technique
CONTENT & ITINERARY Duration: 5 days

In view of corporate interest in reducing operational cost via overall waste management via Hazardous Waste Minimization Technique, this program shall deal with real experience by;
1.      Introduction to hazardous waste reduction technique;
2.      Implementing hazardous waste minimization
Who should attend?
Procurement & Finance personnel, EMR and EMS committee, Production and Production Planning Department Managers and Engineers, Process Designers and Engineers, and Production Operational Heads, HSE/SHE/ESH Managers and Internal Auditors.

8.30am – 09.00am – COURSE REGISTRATION
9.00am – 10.30am
Introduction to waste reduction technique
Ø  Inventory management
o    Inventory control;
§  Illustrating various approaches
o    Material control;
§  Illustrating examples of material losses;
Morning Tea Break: 10.30am – 11.00am
11.00am – 12.30am
Ø  Production process modification
o    Operational & maintenance procedures
§  Operational procedures;
·         Definition & general mind-set issues;
·         Example – electroplating;
·         Example – automobile;
·         Example – oil & gas – Phenol reduction techniques;
o    Via cracker;
o    Via wastewater & steam condensate;
Lunch 12.30pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
§  Maintenance program
o    Material change;
§  Summary of success stories published;
Afternoon Tea Break: 3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm
o    Process modification;
§  Concept;
§  Example – spent caustic disposal in oil & gas sector;
§  Example – waste oil handling in oil & gas sector;
9.00am – 10.30am
Ø  Volume reduction
§  Concept;
§  Example – electroplating;
§  Example – oil & gas – by concentration – oil sludge & biosolids;
Morning Tea Break: 10.30am – 11.00am
11.00am – 12.30am
Ø  Recovery
§  Concept & principles;
§  On-site recovery;
§  Off-site recovery;
·         Concept
·         Market factors
Lunch 12.30pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
Implementing Hazardous Waste Minimization
Ø  Orientation to objectives;
Ø  Incentives versus Barriers – by experience;
Ø  The Waste-stream Audit;
§  Concept;
Afternoon Tea Break: 3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm
§  Identifying wastestreams;
§  Groupwork; Theory of identifying wastestream via Flow-Diagram
·         Group presentation (5 groups)
Discussion and Q & A.
9.00am – 10.30am
§  Groupwork; Practical On-site – Wastestream Specific.(briefing)
·         Pre-Site Review work using wastestream audit format provided – discussion;
Morning Tea Break: 10.30am – 11.00am
11.00am – 12.30am
·         Groupwork: On-site Review; (5 groups)
Lunch 12.30pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
·         Group presentation; (5 groups)
·         Discussion;
Afternoon Tea Break: 3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm
§  Post wastestream audit Part-1: Waste Data Report;
§  Post wastestream audit Part-2: Prioritizing wastestream for assessment;
§  Waste assessment – examples;
·         Groupwork: Setting Priority Rating Criteria (5 groups)
·         Preparation
·         Group presentation.
9.00am – 10.30am
Ø  The Waste Assessment
§  Waste evaluation;
§  Selecting priority wastes;
§  Groupwork (narrowed to 3 groups) – Site Specific Inspection (briefing);
·         Option generation;
·         Option description;
Morning Tea Break: 10.30am – 11.00am
11.00am – 12.30am
·         Groupwork On-site: Site-specific Inspection for option generation and description;
Lunch 12.30pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
Ø  The Waste Assessment
§  Creative phase;
·         Report on Option generation and description using format provided;
Afternoon Tea Break: 3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm
·         Groupwork – Brainstorming session;
·         Record results.
9.00am – 10.30am
Ø  The Waste Assessment
·         Group Chairperson – results of brainstorming;
·         Discussion: all group members with trainer.
Morning Tea Break: 10.30am – 11.00am
11.00am – 12.30am
Ø  The Feasibility Analysis
§  Technical evaluation with examples of evaluation forms;
§  Economic evaluation;
§  The selection
Lunch 12.30pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
Ø  The implementation;
§  Funding;
·         To involve finance and technical personnel;
·         Developing the proposal; the ‘cost – benefit analysis’;
·         Lobbying the idea – corporate management style;
·         When is the right time?
Afternoon Tea Break: 3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm
§  Installation;
·         Involving out-sourced facility – what’s the smartest pragmatism?
§  Commissioning;
§  Waste reduction measurement;
·         Parameters of financial interest.
Discussion of what has been acquired;
Course evaluation;
Training ends.
5.30pm - adjuorned

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