
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (EQA 74)

 Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (EQA 74)
COURSE CONTENT & ITINERARY (Malaysia Only) Duration: 2 days
Course Title
The Environmental Quality Act, 1974 – Interpretation in Practice
Duration: 3-days (compressible into 2-days)
CPD for this event is commonly valued for 9 hours.
(3hrs/day is based on DOE CPD list and not issued or claimed by this training provider).
Participants need to include this training certificate in their annual reporting submission to their respective formal training institution which certifies their competencies.
Who should attend?
-        HSE/EHS/SHE/QHSSE/QCEMS managers, officers and members
-        EMS committee members
-        Environmental auditors
-        Environmental Competent Persons
-        Maintenance managers and engineers
-        Utility managers and engineers
-        Production/process managers and engineers
-        Administration: finance and administration staffs
-        Personnel involved in environmental management;
-        Treatment Plant Operator, Health & Safety  Officer/ Engineers,
-        Pollution control engineers and supervisors: Waste Treatment Engineers,
-        Industrial Plant Managers/ Engineers,
-        Project / Process Planners & Engineers,
-        Chemical / Sanitary Engineers,
-        Utilities / Consulting Engineers,
By the end of this training all participants shall be able to identify and understand related environmental legal requirements thus enhance readiness in complying with its stipulation.
q  Exclusive interpretation of each legal clauses;
q  Share what the authorities often look for and how to manage preparation;
q  Share what is not written in the law but requested by the authorities;
q  Share experience in compliance endeavors;
q  Share abnormalities in its interpretation;
q  Share other legal-binding requirements which are not stipulated in the law;
q  Share arguments in judicial proceedings of environmental court cases;
Course content

Day 1
8.30am – 9.00am, Participants registration
9.00am – 10.15am, Introduction to trainer, ice-breaking and overview of the training.
q  What is the Environmental Quality Act, 1974
q  EQA : Aim & Introduction
q  EQA : Latest amendments (2001) – CFC new Regulations
q  EQA : the mile stone
q  The EQA – non-conformance legal liability.
q  Functional scope of the EQA

TEA BREAK, 10.15AM – 10.45AM
q  How EQA administer Pollution Control?
q  EQA concept of pollution control
q  The EQA : Early Abatement
q  The EQA : Scope ‘Mid-Stream’ control
Provision of EQA on Air Pollution Control – which section? Interpretation?

Ø Section 22 – restriction on pollution of the atmosphere – interpretation;
Ø Judicial penalty;
Ø Photo illustrations on impact of air pollution;
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 2014
v  Who is subjected to this regulation
v  Obligation to notify;
v  Obligation to reduce emission;
v  Obligation to install air pollution control equipment
v  If air pollution control system fails?
v  Opacity of emission
v  Which emission standard to apply?
v  First Schedule – list of activities
v  Second schedule – emission standard
Ø  Fuel burning equipment, incineration, crematoria
Ø  Non-methane volatile organic carbon emission
Ø  Fugitive emission
§  Dust 
LUNCH BREAK, 12.45PM – 2.00PM
v  Third schedule – emission standard
v  Fourth schedule – dioxin & furan
v  Fifth schedule – standards for hazardous emissions
TEA BREAK, 3.00PM – 3.30PM
v  Dilution of emission;
v  Periodic monitoring;
v  Continuous emission monitoring;
v  Emission declaration;
v  Assistance to DOE;
v  Failure of control equipment & emergency;
v  Accidental emission
v  Installation & operation of control equipment;
v  Sampling and analysis
v  Prohibition order
v  License to contravene
v  revocation
¨         The Environmental Quality (Control of Emission from Diesel Engines) Regulations, 1996 in brief;
¨         The Environmental Quality (Control of Lead Concentration in Motor Gasoline) Regulations, 1996 in brief;
Day 2
Provision of EQA on Water Pollution Control;
Ø  Section 25 – restriction on pollution of inland waters - interpretation;
Ø  Its judicial penalty;
Ø  Section 27 – prohibition of discharge of oil into Malaysian Waters;
Ø  Section 29 – prohibition of discharge of wastes into Malaysian Waters;
Ø Its judicial penalty;
Ø  Photo illustrations of water pollution impact
TEA BREAK, 10.15AM – 10.45AM
Ø Introduction to the application of Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations, 2009 and Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations, 2009
Ø Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations, 2009
o   General overview of requirements;
o   Definitions;
o   Who subscribe to this law? Interpretation of Reg.3;
o   Obligation to notify the DOE DG;
o   Sample – Second Schedule – Notification Form;
o   Design and construction of IETS (industrial Effluent Treatment System);
o   Sample – Written Declaration Form;
o   Compliance with specification of IETS;
o   Monitoring of discharge;
o   Sample – monitoring report format;
o   Proper operation of IETS;
o   Performance monitoring of IETS;
o    Competent Person;
LUNCH BREAK, 12.45PM – 2.00PM
o   Discharge limit standards A & B; other than COD
o   Overview of most important parameters’ discharge standards (other than COD);
o   Phenol and chlorine;
o   The COD discharge standards for industrial effluent;
o   The COD discharge standards for sewage;
o   Best management practices for ‘other parameters’ e.g. dioxin. Detergents, PCB, salts, TOC, pesticides, etc.;
o   Contravention license;
o   Alterations affecting quality of effluent;
o   Methods of sampling and analysis;
o   IETS maintenance records;
o   Point of discharge;
o   Prohibition against by-pass discharge and dilution;
o   Spills and accidental discharge;
o   Prohibition of discharge on certain substances;
o   Restriction on discharge and disposal of sludge;
o   Personnel training;
o   Render assistance to law enforcement personnel;
o   Prohibition order;
o    Summary;
TEA BREAK, 3.00PM – 3.30PM
Ø  Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations, 2009
¨       Definition of effluent, industrial effluent and sewage;
¨       Notification to the DG DOE;
¨       New sewage treatment system – discharge standards;
¨       Existing sewage treatment system – discharge standards;
¨       Sample: copy of this entire law;
¨       Exemptions
¨       Discharge standards
¨       Contravention license
¨       Case example
Day 3
Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulation, 2005. - Interpretation in practice
9.00am – 10.30am
Ø  Main/core definitions;
Ø  List of Scheduled Wastes (SW)
Ø  Terminologies & definitions – illustrative interpretation;
Ø  Overview of SW management – legal basis;
Morning Tea Break: 10.30am – 11.00am
11.00am – 12.30am
Ø  Identification – how?
Ø  Notification & sample format;
Ø  Storage;
Lunch 12.30pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
Ø  Label – illustration & examples;
Ø  Inventory & sample format;
Ø  Disposal
Ø  Accompanying information – 7th Schedule;
Ø  Responsibility of contractor;
Ø  Consignment note – example format & illustrative chronology;
Afternoon Tea Break: 3.30pm – 4.00pm
4.00pm – 5.30pm
Ø  Accidental spillage – off-site;
Ø  Training requirement;
Ø  Treatment of SW;
Ø  Recovery of SW;
Ø  Application for Special Management of SW;
Ø  Responsibility of Waste Generator;
Discussion and Q & A.
5.30pm – Course Evaluation and ends.

About the trainer
As the principal consultant, Mr. Khalid Mohd Ariff prime concern with about 30 years experience in the environmental discipline is to help facilitate Malaysian companies achieve a state of sustainable business vis-à-vis sustainable development for the nation. A keen researcher and writer who shares experience and knowledge in all his training and his blog at
He has enormous practical experience in all aspects of the environmental discipline in all sectors of businesses, especially the industrial origin, here and abroad.  He is former official trainer and a legal prosecutor for the Department of Environment Malaysia before retrieving all his environmental skills as a professional trainer.   
Mr. Khalid has served the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (Department of Environment Malaysia) for about 15 years during which he was often selected and underwent post-graduate and specialized environmental orientated trainings home and abroad.  A few significant ones includes implementation and implications Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001 by a leading German Institute in Bremen, Germany, majored in The European Environmental Management and Audit Scheme and also The Implementation of ISO 14001 Requirements. Besides that, he also has successfully completed the EARA Approved Advanced Environmental Management Systems Auditing Course (UK). He also pursued in Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Trained the local SMI, multinational corporations, government agencies and certification bodies.
His vast experience and knowledge in the environmental discipline gains significant recognition as he is often invited to write and present specific environmental papers by entities such as SIRIM QAS Sdn Bhd, Penang Development Corporation, PUSPATRI, Knowledge Group of Companies, UiTM, etc. on titles such as; ‘Seminar on ISO 14001 in the Automotive Industry, Wastewater Treatment Plant – Issues in the management and maintenance for the system’, ‘Option in Waste Minimization in the Workplace’, and ‘Introducing ISO 14031 – Environmental Performance Evaluation as a Tool of Self Regulation and Auditing’.  A book which he wrote entitled ‘Addressing Environmental challenges through Environmental Management System – with special reference to The European EMAS and ISO 14001’ is now the prime content on his training handouts for ISO 14001 – Experience In Practice.  Another paper that he wrote earlier was presented in the 1st Malaysian Conference on Cleaner Production held in the MINES in 1999 entitle ‘MS ISO 14001 Implementation in the SMIs in Malaysia – to prosper or suffer?’ He’s also a co-author of a book titled Hazardous Waste Management written by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamad Rosli Sulaiman of The Chemistry Faculty, UiTM, Shah Alam which was first published in 2006. A Paper titled “Introduction to ISO14031 – Environmental Performance Evaluation” was presented for Petronas Carigali’s HSE Day on 26th March 2008, ‘S.H.E.-MS – overview of practice’ for UEM Berhad’s QHSE Week on the 17th November 2011 and on April 24, 2012 in Impiana KLCC Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as invited speaker for Marlene Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd in an event for Tenaga Nasional Berhad themed Seminar On Power Utility Operations & Maintenance Management where he presented “Environmental Issues from Coal-fired Power Plants” . In 2014, 18th November, he implored about the need to use appropriate effluent legal standards and resource conservation in a paper titled “Achieve Zero Waste from IETS Operation” organized by Asia iKnowledge Sdn Bhd in The Empire Hotel Subang, Kuala Lumpur.
Apart from providing training masterpieces in the environmental discipline he has also performed and involved in major environmental audits of various scopes related to the EMS and Legal and sites assessment for existing and abandoned project sites in Malaysia and abroad. Namely in oil & gas, petrochemicals, metallurgy and chemical and oleochemical industries.
To date our track records mileaged remarkable recognition by clients from both local and foreign corporates, such as, SIRIM QAS SDN BHD, Danish-Standards, MMC-Gamuda, (Petronas, Felda, Perodua, PROTON, Scomi Gp, KMC, IJM Corp. Bhd, MMHE Bhd, KSB Kemaman, Shell, Hitachi, Matsushita (Panasonic), Mitsumi, Nordenia, Hartmann, KANEKA, BASF, AlamFlora, Umicore, RP Chemicals, Malaysian NPK Fertilizers, UMW, their subsidiaries and joint ventures, government agencies and professional institution, and an array of others.

Our references and what they have said ………

“Dalami ilmu, pengetahuan system WWTP bagi kawalan sempurna dan operasi terbaik.” Course: Wastewater Treatment Plantoperation principles, troubleshooting, maintenance and sludge management options. Rosaland Abdul Wahab, Production Trainer, Petronas Penapisan Melaka Sdn Bhd. Tel: 06-3522659

“Very detail and clear explanation on every issue with real life examples. Eye and mind opener. Interesting facts of environmental impact already happened which can lead back to those daily activities that contribute to it. To elevate awareness of people.” Course: Environmental Quality Act, 1974 – interpretation in practice. Mr. Sin Cheng Siang, Engineer, Inventec Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd. Tel: 04-2967393

“.. learn and understand the regulations of DOE on Scheduled Waste Management. Can apply knowledge in work area and impart knowledge to staffs on-site.” Course: Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations, 2005. Mr. Ho Fong Seng, Project Manager, IJM Construction Sdn Bhd. Tel: 03-88888218

“More knowledge gained from various aspects regarding environment. Able to identify and evaluate the means of aspects and the impact to environment based on selected subjects.” Course: Environmental Aspect-Impact Evaluation Method for ISO14001: 2004. Mr. K. Sivaraj A/L M. Kaniah, Maintenance Executive, Shell Gas (LPG) Port Dickson. Tel: 06-6404556

“Understand how to measure, analyze & reporting the environmental performance. Can apply the knowledge in my work area.” Course: Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) based on ISO14031. Ms. Lam Siew Yin, QA Executive, Kaneka (M) Sdn Bhd. Tel: 09-5837000

“Proper Scheduled Waste Management. Experience/competent trainer with real life examples.” Course: Waste Management. Mr. Amalludin Bin Harun, Production Specialist, Huntsman Tioxide. Tel: 09-8625454

“Enhance my knowledge & technical know-how on ISO14001 EMS. Help to improve our EMS, practice and preparation for audit.” Course: EMS ISO14001: 2004 – interpretation in practice. Mr. Aris Fadillah Hj A. Samad, EHS Ast. Gen. Manager, Perodua Manufacturing Sdn Bhd. Tel: 03-60298888 ext. 4320

“The illustrations in the handout and the presentation materials simplified the content of the course i.e. easy to understand. Group exercise gives hands on experience to understand course content better. Course: Life Cycle Assessment MS ISO14040 & ISO14044 by concept. Mdm. Rashidah Lailah Abd Rashid, Corporate HSE Assurance Manager, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd. Tel: 03-23319288

... and many more.

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