
Friday 17 February 2012

EMS ISO14001 – Refresher Awareness

EMS ISO14001 – Refresher Awareness

Objective: A systematic approach in instilling the sense of shared responsibility in environmental control at higher level of awareness that ensures participants appreciate every bit of their activity at their respective workplace or even at home. The vivid illustration used in this presentation shall promote the desired commitment in practicing their respective ISO14001’s operational control requirement.
Who should attend? : Preferably those whose work activities involves significant environmental aspects; from any level and functions of an organization, including the Top Management (since golf balls too are environmental aspects!).

8.30am – 9.00am: Registration
9.00am – 10.00am: Introduction
§  Introduction to EMS ISO14001 – the EMS Model – interpretation of requirement;
§  Overview of implementing the ISO14001 EMS – chronology of activities;
§  Definition of EMS – manage what?
§  Summary of elements for ISO14001
Ø  Environmental Aspects – definition; Illustrative elaboration
10.00am – 10.30am: Morning Tea-break
10.30am – 12.30noon
Ø  Illustrative definition of most common environmental aspects;
Ä      Cotton gloves used in maintenance and mechanical servicing;
Ä      Energy as an environmental aspect – electricity and fuel;
Ä      Paper as an environmental aspect – how?
Ä      And one example cited by participants for the trainer.
12.30am- 2.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Ø  Their corresponding or probable associated impact. How?
Ø  How environmental aspects are linked to other elements of EMS ISO14001;
Ø  Samples on recycling of spent thinner, and hazardous waste disposal;
Ø  EMS communication – how?
Ø  Legal and Other Requirements – overview of the main environmental laws that regulates those environmental aspects.
Ø  Objectives, Targets, and Program(s) overview of environmental objectives, and targets and EMP: how and where are we involved?
3.00pm – 3.30pm: Afternoon Tea-break
3.30pm – 5.30pm
Ø  Implementation & Operation
§  Operational control – the importance of compliance and consequences upon its deviation.
§  group workshops; Identifying the associated probable environmental impact due to non-conformance to SOP/WIS.
§  group presentation.
Ø  Discussion, Q & A, and Conclusion.
Course evaluation and end

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