
Friday 16 March 2012

S.H.E MS - Overview of concept.

Quality, safety, health and environment are different fields that integrate disciplines from both the physical and natural sciences. They are able to interact beyond most mathematical logic, that is, their actual risk to human and the environment are usually prevailed when it occur either by accidents, and/or catastrophic incidents. We learn to be prepared. Inevitably, despite relentless efforts in magnifying such awareness amongst concerned personnel, these compounded risks seem to persist.
Keterangan didalam Bahasa Melayu disediakan.

This paper waspresented in conjunction of UEM Land Berhad's QHSE Week of December 2011 in Le Grandeur, Senai, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Only key issues discussed in this paper is shown below. Hanya isu-isu pokok yang dibincangkan didlam kertas ini dipamerkan seperti di bawah.
Environment, safety and health issues are affecting one another in many ways. Literally, it’s a two-way traffic between each of them. A hydraulic press machine for instance, may leak and contaminate the factory floor. This is an environmental aspect that poses potential hazard and risk to human. The hazard of slippery floor may cause a worker to fall and injure himself. Thus, the quality aspect of this machine’s operation comes into the picture. Poor preventive maintenance is the root cause for this example. Isu-isu kesihatan, keselamatan dan alam sekitar mempengaruhi diantara satu sama yang lain. Sebuah mesin penekan-hidrolik misalnya, boleh bocor dan menyebabkan pencemaran lantai kilang. Minyak yang bocor ini adalah dikenali sebagai Aspek Alam Sekitar (situasi 'kecemasan' ISO14001), yang boleh membawa bahaya kepada manusia. Lantai yang licin boleh membahayakan manusia kerana 'hazard'nya adalah seseorang boleh tergelincir dan jatuh (accidental fall) dan risikonya ialah beliau mungkin akan tercedera (risk of injury). Maka, didalam contoh ini, apabila disiasat (root-cause-analysis) puncanya adalah kekurangan atau kelemahan penyelenggaraan mesin berkenaan. Casket atau oil-seal mesin berkenaan tidak ditukar walaupun telah rosak.

The OHSAS is about managing potential hazards that can lead to the occurrence of its associated potential risk to workers and human in general. All job sequence needs to identify and apprehend their potential hazards and potential risks.
OHSAS mengurus dengan mengenalpasti bahaya yang berpotensi menyebabkan risiko terhadap para pekerja dan manusia amnya. Kesemua aturcara kerja perlu mengenalpasti apa dan bagaimana untuk menangani potensi bahaya dan risiko yang berkaitan.
The EMS is about managing significant environmental aspects; that we can control or influence; in a manner that can prevent or control them from causing adverse environmental impact. And, it’s a responsibility of all.
EMS mengurus aspek-aspek alam sekitar yang ketara; yang boleh dikawal atau pengaruhi; dengan menggunakan suatu kaedah pengurusan; supaya tidak berlaku, atau kurangnya atau terkawalnya kesan-kesan ketara terhadap alam sekitar. Maka, didalam EMS ini, semua bertanggung jawab mengurusnya.

OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System- Requirements
This standard enables an organization to manage its occupational health and safety (OHS) risks and improve its OHS performance. The requirements of the standard are intended to address occupational health and safety for employees, temporary employees, contractors and other personnel on site rather than the safety of products and services.  (SIRIM QAS Website)

The ISO14001 is about managing SIGNIFICANT Environmental Aspects in a manner that their potential in causing adverse environmental impact are being eliminated, minimized or controlled. In practice, it’s not the environmental policy’s literature that ensures this noble international mission. It’s all cascaded down to the clarity and accuracy of operational control procedures, EMP and root-cause-analysis. In practice, however, a hiatus in the supposedly continuous EMS endeavour has often impedes the potential continuous improvement at root level.
ISO14001 adalah mengenai kaedah kita mengurus aspek-aspek alam sekitar yang ketara iaitu kaedah tertentu yang boleh menghindar, mengurang atau mengawal dari berlakunya kesan-kesan ketara yang boleh merosakkan alam sekitar. Sebenarnya, kejayaan pengurusan ini tidak terletak pada polisi alam sekitar yang lazim dipaparkan. Tetapi, ia disandarkan pada prosedur operasi kerja yang terperinci, Program Pengurusan Alam Sekitar dan analisa punca di akar umbi sesuatu ketidak-patuhan atau NC. Namun, disebabkan sistem ini sering tergendala apabila mereka yang terlibat didalam EMS dikerah untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas hakiki atau lain-lain piawai. 
Kindly observe some pictures below and answer the questions posed. Email or comments in the space below this post are welcomed.
Sila perhatikan gambar-gambar yang dimuatkan dibawah dan cuba nyatakan jawapannya. (Boleh e-mail atau komen dibawah 'post' ini)
Description: The retention pond is one mitigating measure to prevent surface run-off that consists of fine mud solids from flowing to lower land areas and cause mud flood or flash flood.
Civil Construction
Environmental Aspect:
Surface run-off, Discharge/overflow water
Environmental Impact:
Water Pollution, Sedimentation, Flood

Description: Sand blasting on an oil rig supporting column is done periodically to remove corrosion and marine growth that affects the strength of the columns.
Off-shore Oil Rig
Environmental Aspect:
Dust, Spent Blasting Agents, etc. 
Environmental Impact:
Sea-bed Sedimentation. Coral destruction, Marine water pollution.

Description: A construction activity is under way in a steep slope adjacent to an existing residential area below its gradient.
Development of slopes areas
Environmental Aspect:
Dust, surface run-off, mud, noise, vibration, fugitive radioactive fall-outs, etc. 
Environmental Impact:
Land slide, Mud flood, Air Pollution, Distorted Geological Settings, etc.

Description: A construction activity of a high-rise building in a dense urban or city area.
Civil works on building structures and installations
Environmental Aspect:
Waste Paint, Spent Oil, Spent Solvents, Dust, noise, vibration, construction wastes, etc. 
Environmental Impact:
Air pollution, Soil Contamination, Resource Depletion.

Description: A Structural Material Preparation in a Construction activity.
A Bar-bender or Cutter. 
Environmental Aspect:
Spent Lube Oil, Oil Spillage, Dust, Noise, Vibration, Metal off-cuts, Smoke, etc. 
Environmental Impact:
Air pollution, Soil Contamination, Resource Depletion, 

Hope this brief discussion serves as a revision for trained readers. 
Diharaf perbincangan ringkas ini boleh dianggap sebagai ulang-kaji bagi meraka yang telah terlatih.

See you in future post. Jumpa lagi akan datang.

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