
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) and (Sewage) Regulations, 2009

Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) and (Sewage) Regulations, 2009
COURSE CONTENT & ITINERARY (Malaysia) Duration: 2 days

Objective: A systematic understanding of the requirement of this law through comprehensive interpretation for practice at workplace, and, reduce if not omit any potential liability associated to its enforcement.
Who should attend? : Legal advisors, EMR, EMS committee members, Production Managers and Engineers related to discharge of industrial effluents, Utility engineers related to sewage and industrial effluent treatment systems’ operation, environmental monitoring personnel, and IETS designers, construction and operational contractors.
8.30am – 9.00am: Registration
9.00am – 10.00am: Introduction
·         overview of the EQA 1974 in water pollution control;
·             section 25 EQA 1974;
·             regulation 11(1) Std A & B;
·             regulation 12(1) COD exclusive;
·             regulation 32 - legal liability;
·         best management practices;
·         industrial effluent;
·         mixed effluent;
·         professional engineer;
·         sewage;
·         sludge;
·         license;
·         authorized officer;
·         parameters;
·         batch discharge;
·         licensed parameter;
·         industrial effluent treatment system
10.00am – 10.30am: Morning Tea-break
10.30am – 12.30noon
·         who subscribe to this law?
·             regulation 3
·             first schedule
·         written notification replaces written permission;
·         second schedule - the written notification form;
·         written declaration on the design & construction of IETS;
·         third schedule - the written declaration form;
12.30am- 2.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm – 3.00pm
·         compliance with specification of IETS;
·         monitoring of discharge;
·             the fifth schedule - 30 parameters
·             the tenth schedule - monthly report format;
·         competent person
·         discharge limits other than COD;
·         phenol and chlorine;
3.00pm – 3.30pm: Afternoon Tea-break
3.30pm – 5.30pm
·          COD limit are exclusive;
·             for industrial effluents - Std A and Std B;
·             ref: the seventh schedule - COD for specific industrial types;
·             for mixed effluent - Std A and Std B;
·             ref: the eighth schedule - COD for mixed effluent;
5.30pm: adjourned for day-1

9.00am – 10.00am
·         best management practiced for other parameters;
·             ref: the ninth schedule - other parameters;
·         license matters;
·             to contravene discharge limits;
·             the thirteenth schedule - license fee;
·             case for holder of license make changes;
·         methods of analysis - the fourth schedule
10.00am – 10.30am: Morning Tea-break
10.30am – 12.30noon
·         point of discharge;
·         by-pass and dilution;
·         spillage, accidental releases and leakage;
·         substances not allowed to be discharged;
·         sludge discharge & disposal;
·         personnel training;
12.30am- 2.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm – 3.00pm
·         maintenence of record;
  • assisting DOE inspection;
  • prohibition order;
  •     twelfth schedule - list of undesireable occurences;
  • special discussion on Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009 - law as reading material and reference in notes.
3.00pm – 3.30pm: Afternoon Tea-break
3.30pm – 5.30pm
  • special presentation and discussion pertaining to sources of discharges and determination of their applicability to these two regulations based on;
    • premise layout plan;
    • non-production activities generating liquid wastes;
    • other related issues.

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