
Friday 17 February 2012

Environmental Audit in Practice

Environmental Audit in Practice
Noteworthy: The content and training duration may vary according to request.

Objective: The training may be perceived as Essence for ISO14001 Environmental Auditors in Practice. This training is designed to instill appropriate awareness and understanding for Internal ISO14001 Auditors on interrelated issues on the environment, safety and health at work places thus further enhance their existing effectiveness. It also reinstates the role for Top Management, executives, engineers and operational personnel in ensuring the sustainability of continual improvement in ISO14001:2004 practices.
Who should attend? : Government bodies’ auditors, enforcement personnel and examiners, Certification bodies’ auditors, Internal ISO14001 Auditors and general environmental auditors, regardless of their audit scopes, but within the context of the environment and ISO14001environmental management system.
What is expected from this training? : By virtue of the shared experience from others presented in this training all participants shall be able;
  • To comprehend and differentiate issues related to the environmental, safety and health in greater depth;
  • To conduct more objective audits on the ISO14001 system in ensuring continual improvement that benefits the organization in terms of its business sustainability.
 Detail Content & Itinerary
Day-1: ESH Refresher - ISO14001 In-depth Awareness
·         9.00am - 10.00am
o    Overview of relationship between environment – safety – health;
o    The ISO14001 – EMS definition – interpretation;
o    The meaning of ISO14001 from the environment, safety and health perspectives;
§  What is ISO14001 about?
§  What is environmental aspect?
§  What is environmental impact?
§  Discussion: how does it relate with safety and health?
o    Clause 4.3.1 Environmental aspects – the ISO definition is based on the LCA concept; Elaboration of definition;
§  Using illustrative engineering’s ‘Production Tree’ concept;
§  ‘cotton gloves’ as illustration;
§  ‘electrical energy’ as illustration;
§  Special: What is the impact to the environment for each kWh electrical energy that we use?
§  ‘paper’ as illustration
·         10.00am - 10.30am - morning tea-break
·         10.30am - 12.30am
o    Legal requirement;
§  Section 22, EQA 74 – air pollution control; Liability? Penalty?
§  Section 25, EQA 74 – water pollution control and introducing the new effluent regulations 2009; Liability? Penalty?
§  Section 34B, EQA 74 – hazardous waste control i.e. Scheduled Wastes Regulations 2005; Liability? Penalty?
§  Factory & Machinery Act 1967 – overview summarized requirements;
§  Occupational, Safety and Health Act 1994 – overview of summarized requirements.
o    Introduction to common issues of E.H.S e.g. ‘chemical storage near drainage at accessory shop; discussing;
§  Environmental issues, safety issues, health issues;
§  Sample chronology that leads to significant environmental impact that begun from safety incompliance.
·         12.30pm – 2.00pm – lunch break
·         02.00pm - 03.30pm
o    The meaning of EMS ISO14001 to top management in terms of their roles in complying with Environmental policy, environmental aspect, legal and other requirement, EMP, training, awareness, competency, communication, monitoring and measurement;
o    The meaning of EMS ISO14001 to executives & engineers and their operational personnel in terms of Environmental policy, environmental aspect, legal and other requirement, EMP, training, awareness, competency, communication, monitoring and measurement, non-conformance, corrective and preventive action, EMS audit, management review and operational control;
o    Common issues of E.S.H; identifying roles of managers, executives, engineers and operational personnel by viewing pictorial examples on;
§  Improper disposal of sawdust at body-shop;
§  Poor housekeeping of aluminium ingots/slags at casting shop;
§  Coolant container drum without labeling at casting shop;
§  Painting in paint shop;
§  Paint dust settles on the ground;
§  Paint waste’s container;
§  Cooling fluid enters drain;
§  Tools cleaning using solvents.
·         03.30pm - 04.00pm- afternoon tea-break
·         4.00pm – 5,30pm
  • Environmental due-diligence?
    • Solvent recovery;
    • Incineration?
    • Secured landfill?
  • The meaning of ISO14001 e.g. as in Waste Minimization Technique – overview;

Day-2: Supervised Practical ISO14001 Audit - Internal
Enhancement of competency for Internal ISO14001 Auditors in performing practical audit by virtue of;
v  ability to identify actual issue in any deviation or non-conformance;
v  ability to identify the exact reference that justify a particular non-conformance;
v  ability to identify and classify issues derived from audit findings as a preparation for root-cause-analysis.
Detail Content & Itinerary
v  9.00am - 10.00am
Ø  Brief introduction to audit methodology – reporting audit finding;
Ø  formation of 4 audit groups;
Ø  briefing on four audit scopes for the audit training;
v  10.00am - 10.30am - morning tea-break
v  10.30am - 1.00pm
Ø  practical audit in selected premise/sites;
v  12.30pm – 2.00pm – lunch break
v  02.00pm - 03.30pm
Ø  gathering audit findings;
Ø  preparation of audit notes;
v  03.30pm - 04.00pm- afternoon tea-break
v  4.00pm – 5,30pm
Ø  group presentation on audit findings;
Ø  preparation for root-cause analysis to close all audit findings.

Day-3: ISO14001 Root-cause-analysis for Non-conformity
Enhancement of competency for Internal ISO14001 Auditors in performing or providing advisory to related department to;
v  identify issues of non-conformance using a systematic verification approach;
v  accurate sampling of justified evidence that causes non-conformity;
v  judge appropriate rectification measures to ensure non-recurrence of such non-conformity;
v  plan justification inspection upon receipt of rectification note from concerned site.
Detail Content & Itinerary
09.00am – 10.00am
Ø     The EMS ISO14001 – reviews and definitions;
Ø     ISO14001 – implementation chronology – review
Ø     The crucial link – how EMS works; from aspects to SOP/WIS
10.00am – 10.30am – morning tea-break
10.30am – 12.30pm
Ø     The EMS troubleshooting and remedial trail (TRT);
Ø     The TRT – competency requirement;
Ø     Illustration of NC/Audit Report Sheet and root-cause investigation; the TRT application and The EMP – corrective actions based on examples;
§       Case-example-1: scheduled waste storage container;
§       Case-example-2: waste disposal cost reduction program;
12.30pm – 01.45pm – lunch & The Zohor break
01.45pm – 03.00pm
§        Case example-3: parameter Oil & Grease exceeds limit;
§        Case-example-4: legal directive from the DOE;
§        Case-example-5: SOP related to production activity.
03.00pm – 03.30pm – afternoon tea-break
03.30pm – 05.30pm
Ø     Group workshop
§        Worksheet-1
§        Worksheet-2
§        Worksheet-3
Ø     Group presentation
Ø     Discussion
Course evaluation & ends.

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