
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Air Impurities Emission Standard

Air Impurities Emission Standard
A Summary in accordance to the limits stipulated in the 
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978

Types of Air Impurities

  Sources of emission

     Limits based on Standard C
Dark Smoke *;

1.  Solid fuel burning equipment:

2.  Other types of fuel burning equipment:
1. Ringelmann Chart No.2
2. Ringelmann Chart No.1
Dust Particulate;
1.  Metal heating facilities other than Cold Blast Foundry Cupola:
2.  Facilities discharging dust containing asbestos and free silica;
3.  Portland cement manufacturing;
3.1. Kiln;
3.2. Clinker, cooler, grinder, others
4.  Asphalt concrete/bituminous mixing plant:
4.1. Stationary plant;
4.2. Mobile plant
5.    Other sources: (other than heating of metals) e.g. boilers, incinerators, heaters, etc.
1.  0.2g/Nm3

2.  0.12g/Nm3

3.1         0.2g/Nm3
3.2         0.1g/Nm3

4.1   0.3g/Nm3
4.2   0.4g/Nm3
Metal and metallic compounds;
1. Mercury
2. Cadmium
3. Lead                 
4. Antimony                    
5. Arsenic
6. Zinc
7. Copper

Any industrial operations

1.  0.01g/Nm3
2.  0.015g/Nm3
3.  0.025g/Nm3
4.  0.025g/Nm3
5.  0.025g/Nm3
6.  0.1g/Nm3
7.  0.1g/Nm3
1.   Acid gases

2.   H2SO4 mist or SO3 or both
3.  Chlorine gas
4.  HCl gas
5.  F, HF, inorganic F cp.
6.  F, HF, inorganic F cp.
7.    H2S
8.    NOx
9.  NOx

1.  Sulfuric acid manufacturing plant

2.  Other sources than (1);

3.  Any sources
4.  Any sources
5.  Aluminum mfg. from alumna
6.  Other sources than (5)

7.  Any sources
8.  HNO3 manufacturing plant
9.  Other sources than (8)

1. 3.5g of SO3/Nm3 and no persistent mist
2. 0.2g of SO3/Nm3 and no persistent mist
3. 0.2g of HCl/Nm3
4. 0.4g of HCl/Nm3
5. 0.2g of HF/Nm3                
6. 0.10g of HF/Nm3 

7. 5 ppm (%vol.)
8. 1.7g of S03/Nm3 and colorless
9.  2.0g of SO3/Nm3

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