
Monday 27 October 2014

Paper: Zero Waste from IETS Operation?

A paper in conjunction with Industrial Waste Management Conference 2.0 on 18 & 19 November 2014 in Empire Hotel Subang Jaya, Malaysia, organized by Asia iKnowledge Sdn. Bhd.
Preamble: Resource Depletion will continue to be a challenge and therefore that should prompt keener exploration in waste recycling opportunities. With adequate facilitation, recycling of hazardous waste are on-going endeavors which should impede current rate of resource depletion. An assignation between waste generators and legal enforcers is the best deal to cobble its success. Sludge, for this discussion, is normally the final waste of an industrial effluent treatment system. It usually contains toxic if not obnoxious constitutes and thus classified as Scheduled Wastes. These inherited jargons have intoxicated our minds with too much fear. The realm of environmental technology recognizes them as resources! They were from the environmental resource but transformed. We need to retransform them into useable products using technological innovations. Innovative ideas must be nurtured with adequate feeds from top management and facilitated by empathetic legal supervision. Then, we can turn stones to bread, literally.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Air Pollutant Regulations 2014 (Malaysia Latest)

Goodbye EQ (Clean Air) Reg. 1978. Welcome EQ (Clean Air) Reg. 2014. Goodbye Black Smoke! All dense smoke are regulated now! CEM gets mandatory for some. Pollutant Loadings is a measure for emission limits. Every entity has a fair share to oblige! A gradual entry into force of this latest air pollution law is anticipated. This law is more specific and was well written. However, its literal wordy documentation aren't presentable for our 'eyeball-engineering'. Hence, I have 'digested and reassembled' them for quicker and targeted viewings by all. Good luck.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Paper: S.H.E - MS on-site


Quality, Safety, Health and the Environment are different fields that integrate disciplines from both the physical and natural sciences. They are able to interact beyond most mathematical logic. Their actual risk to human and the environment are usually prevailed only when it occur either by accidents or catastrophic incidents. We learn to be prepared. Inevitably, despite relentless efforts in magnifying such awareness amongst concerned personnel, these compounded risks seem to persist. This paper presents special emphasis on Potential Hazard and Potential Risk, and, Environmental Aspects’ Impact, and Our Responsibilities in managing them at Work. Undergraduates are encouraged to participate in its discussion as a preparation to enter its 'real world' and job interviews. Wherever you are in this planet. Cheerio!

Thursday 13 February 2014

Site Assessment - Managing Contaminated Site

Spillage is another significant cause of soil contamination. However its succinct or remoteness in disclosure (or undisclosure) has usually evades prompt attention by management. Unless, otherwise in cases of public interest that lured intervention by the authority, contaminated sites are often secluded in the humbleness of an ecological solitary. This silence is ironically dynamic in most cases. Contaminated drinking well water, vegetables farms and the Durian Musang King orchard located at a convenient 500m from an abandoned chemical/oil spill sites, for example, remains salient unless a site assessment is deployed to uncover its scary stealth.